Call for demolition of Cockshaugh Park shelter

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Following last week’s acts of vandalism in the Lade Braes, there has been further damage in the area – this time in Cockshaugh Park.

Commenting on the latest outbreak of vandalism, Labour councillor Brian Thomson said “It’s extremely disappointing that, a week after a dog had to have emergency surgery after slashing a paw on broken glass at Cockshaugh Park, the same area has been targeted by vandals again.  After the previous week’s rampage by vandals, I was pleased to walk the length of the Lade Braes on Saturday and see no damage, but the vandals struck again overnight, with users of Cockshaugh Park on Sunday confronted with smashed bottles and a burn-out wheelie bin next to the shelter, just a few metres away from children’s play equipment.

Areas such as the Lade Braes, where there’s a lack of surveillance at night, are obviously attractive to those wanting to carry out anti-social behaviour, but it has long been clear that the shelter at Cockshaugh Park is a particular magnet for anti-social behaviour, with it becoming little more than a drinking den.

Being a very regular user of the Lade Braes, I can’t recall seeing many people use the shelter for its intended purpose and, having done a litter-pick around the structure early last year, some of the stuff that was picked up should not be anywhere near a children’s play equipment.  This was followed by the Council having to arrange a significant clean-up of broken glass around the shelter last summer.

Personally, I’d like to see the shelter demolished and the site landscaped, and I’ve raised the matter with the appropriate Fife Council officers, who would support such a move if funding could be identified.  One argument against such action is that it would be ‘giving in to the vandals’, but my response is that the safety and enjoyment of responsible users of the Park – many of whom are young children – should be paramount, and those most aggrieved about the loss of the shelter would likely be the vandals themselves.”

St Andrews QV (Qui Vive) is an independent not-for-profit, non-political platform for news and debates about issues that are important to the Town. It exists to hold decision makers and public services to account while its editorial policy is to accommodate all shades of opinion from all parts of the community, prioritising evidence-based arguments. St Andrews QV is a member of the Independent Community News Network and is committed to the Community Journalism Charter

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